Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Gifts

Hope you're having some nice days of Christmas Eve. I'll let the school tomorrow and I'll going to enjoy my vacations alot! Sending all the mail as I can! like ever!
Well this is a quick post about some gifts. I wrapped this for my friends.
This is a beautiful christmas card that I bought yesterday in the mall. I love it! 
 And some candies for my friends in the school.

Great!! ^^ Happy mail week!
xxxxoooo ely.


  1. Cute Christmas gifts, super cute card and I love the colourful candy canes! We have only red-and-white-striped ones here in Finland.

  2. What cute gift tags! :) and the candy canes are very nice as a little present for your class mates, I wish i had a thoughtful person like you in my class :P xx

  3. Yum yum candy! Amazing what a good friend you are. I mean, you even thought about your friends at school? You are such a kind person :)

  4. que hermosos te quedaron los regalitos :D y la tarjetita con el perrito en la media muy bonita :D

  5. Hola guapa! Me ha llegado tu cartita, aunque abierta por el costado! GRR! Espero que no se haya escapado nada (accidentalmente o a proposito!).
    En fins... que intentaré escribirte antes de mis vacaciones pero no sé si convenga enviarla ... correos de españa no estan siendo demasiado eficaces... y ésta época es aún peor!
    Quizás espere a Enero, cuando vuelva de viaje (Y con suerte consigo una postal y algo bonito para agregar). Espero que no te moleste!
    Un besote!
