Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Incoming, Outgoing and stuff!

Hellooo people!! How you doing this week, I'm really good and inspired about this season, spring and new projects, I try to be fine about everything that is going to happen recently.. anyway I want to show you what's in my mail! 
This coming to me finally, after wait too long! It's a beautifull gift from my dear penpal Gina in Republica Dominicana, look at that cute staaamp! <3
 Then I sent this to my dear penpal Fab in italy, I think she like it :D and some of my designs!
And this is what I got from Valentines day <3
I hope u're fine, as always lots of love from Mexico, ely. :*


  1. Me gusta tooooodo, el stamp y los sticky notes me hicieron pensar en ti de inmediato :D que bueno que te gustaron... Ahh y esa latita que dice Love You con la flechita es preciosa :)

  2. YES, I loved it :3 I'll post on my blog soon!
    I will also send you a little something to you next week, meanwhile I get something a little bit bigger ready :D
    Much love,
    Fab <3

  3. So many lovely stuffs o.o ♥
